Creating a home yoga space is a beautiful way to treat yourself. A space that is meant solely for yoga reinforces the importance of your practice and can help you establish a more consistent practice routine. If you don’t have to think about where you’ll unroll your mat, you’re one step closer to practicing.
A yoga room or yoga space in your home can also be used for a self-care or creative practices. In your special space, you can read, write in your journal, meditate, pray, draw, or simply sit and think. (Maybe one day in the future, all homes will be built with a designated wellness room. One can dream!)
While a “yoga room” sounds good in theory, actually creating a home yoga space takes some creativity—especially if your space is limited. But perhaps those of us having to make do with a corner of the living room, for example, will grow because of this logistical challenge. After all, yoga exists as much in challenges as it does in moments of ease and comfort.
The following are a few tips for carving out a special space for your yoga practice—no matter how many square feet you’re working with.
Find a safe spot. The best home yoga spot is one where you will be undisturbed (or startled!). A quiet nook with enough space for you to ungracefully tumble out of headstand without putting a foot through the wall will cover your bases. Minimizing the potential for physical injury is the first step!
Find a peaceful spot. I suggest choosing a space that’s near natural light (one must properly salute the sun, no?). I also recommend designating a place that’s separate from any areas where you work. Shutting out the work day can help us fully immerse in our practice.
Think outside of the house. If you live in a temperate climate, why not take your practice outdoors? A secluded balcony or patio would make an amazing home studio. Depending on the arrangement of your yard, you may be able to set up DIY outdoor curtains for more privacy. Those with outdoor yoga practices suggest having two mats—one for outdoors and one to use indoors or at the yoga studio.
If all else fails, get creative. An ideal yoga space isn’t possible for all of us, of course. In fact, I share a one bedroom apartment with my husband, and my yoga space also functions as our living room and home office. The best space to do yoga is between our two desks where we spend hours working each day. This is where getting creative with the idea of “space” plays a big role. In order to enter my “yoga space,” even though it’s just two feet away from my desk, I completely tidy my desk, stash away my planner, close any open tabs on my computer, and hop into yoga clothes. This practice helps my work world fall away (more or less!) and a yoga session feel much more doable.
Store your stuff. An ottoman, small shelf/cupboard set, or even a decorative basket will work for storing your yoga gear, which may include: your mat, a blanket, towels, a strap, blocks, mala beads, and speakers. I have all of my pieces in a basket that I tuck under our coffee table. It’s not glamorous, but it keeps things organized!
Don’t forget decor. Once you’ve worked out the logistics of your space, make it your own with a touch of decor. You can go for the more traditional “yoga aesthetic” and opt for Eastern-themed statues and tapestries or simply gather pieces that suit your style and help you connect to your spiritual practice. Because my space is between two desks and across from the coffee table, I simply rely on my essential oil diffuser to set the yoga mood. If you’ve got a more expansive space to work with, you may consider hanging stringed lights or creating a display of potted plants.
Care for you space. Care for your space is care for your yoga, and yoga is care for you! Keep your space clean and tidy by sweeping/vacuuming the area regularly and always putting away your props after practice. When the area is always neat, it will always be ready for you when you need it.
What are your tips for creating a yoga sanctuary at home?
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Photos: Alessandro Ambrosio (Instagram), Rachel Brathen (Instagram), Latham Thomas (Instagram), Gisele Bünchen (Instagram)