I have a preference for salty and spicy foods. Some (ahem, my loving husband) may say that my “preference” borders dangerously on addiction. However, that is not to say that I have not been tempted by delicious (albeit mostly unhealthy) vegan treats from time to time….I suppose one needs to balance their taste buds’ experiences. Chris and I had a serve yourself candy bar at our wedding that still lives on in infamy that had to be allergen-free for Chris’ little brother Kyle. So we are well-versed in our allergen-free candies. Since Freedom Friday is an allergen-free zone, I figure why not throw in a few of my favorite vegan and allergen free candy to tempt the masses into indulging once in a while. Do not get me wrong, I lead a ridiculously active and healthy lifestyle. But if my sometimes craving for over-the-top sweet foods sends my sugar-high flag flying, so be it. Happy Sweet Friday!
Enjoy Life Brand Chocolate Bars (They also make my favorite chocolate chips!)
Jed’s Maple Products Maple Daisies
Also on Freedom Friday:
Photo: Stéphanie Kilgast via Flickr