How to Get the Life You Want: Power of Intentions

February 2, 2016

Your mind is a powerful thing. Your thoughts control every aspect of your life. Motivation. Perspective. Self worth. Your belief system is one of the biggest driving factors of your life, shaping your entire reality.

Inspired Living: On Life-Changing Power of Intention

On the power of intentions…

I have always been a firm believer that we are our own biggest motivators and advocates. If your mind is clouded with negative thoughts, then your actions will reflect that. If you have a strong belief that you are not good enough or worthy enough to follow your dreams or even close off the idea of creating the life you truly desire, then it’s going to be one hell of a tough journey.

There were moments in my life when I didn’t have the most positive outlook, falling victim to unfortunate circumstances in my career, relationship, and family. I harped on being the victim, focusing all of my energy on the bad. There have also been times where my needs were not being met and I felt unbelievably stuck, unsure of my purpose or direction of my life. The first instinct when the world around someone begins to crumble or isn’t turning out as expected is to think why me? The mind will then slip into a dark place filled with blame, self-doubt, anger, and defensiveness. I have felt all of these until I came to the realization that I had the power to change how I reacted to situations. I had the power to control my own thoughts, behavior, and outcomes. It all started by living with intention.

The power of intention really is an amazing principle. It’s the idea that your purpose and deepest desires are driven by your feelings, your intention. By setting an intention, whether it be intended for motivation, clarity, or even love, you’re letting the world know that you mean business. Are you feeling lost, frustrated, or wanting a major change in your life’s direction? Then it might be time to reevaluate your current mindset and set some new intentions.

Here are 6 steps to ignite the power of intention:


The first step of creating an intention is to figure out what you would like for yourself. Begin by bringing awareness to areas of your life that are not in balance. It’s important to define and clearly understand what goals you would like to set. Write it all down. I personally like to write my intentions in the present tense. Here are a few examples of my current intentions.

I am staying focused and patient.

I attract only loving people who reflect what I am.

I release what no longer serves me.


Take a look at your intentions, close your eyes, and visualize yourself accomplishing these goals. By creating this positive vision in your mind, you gain the feeling of how life should be. Years before I moved abroad, I held a constant vision of how I will live overseas one day. I saw myself exploring new countries that I had only dreamed of. Yet, I held that vision and I am now currently living that intention.


More importantly, to live with intention is more than just words: it’s actions. These intentions are intended to guide us in the right direction. No one wants to settle for a mediocre life. We have aspirations and passions for a reason; you just have to come to the realization that you can achieve it. By stating an intention, you have put the energy out there that you want this, so now you to start putting that energy into motion.

Use As A Daily Reminder

To gain the full benefits of intentions, use them as a daily reminder. Put your intentions in a place that will allow you to read it often. By reading the intentions daily, you will start to create habits that reflect your intentions. If your intention is to travel, you’ll be reminded to put that extra $5 away a day instead of buying that latte. It’s the little habits that create the big picture.


Our intentions help us to focus on the positive. We spend so much time wasted on worrying about senseless things, taking up our valuable energy and time. I often use the intention of staying present. I have a tendency to worry about the future, stressing about what is out of my control. However, I force myself to stay focused on what I am doing now. There is no point letting uncontrollable factors distract me from my goals.


These small positive messages start to become our habits, which in return become our philosophy, our mantra. Once we start believing we can, then whatever you desire will absolutely happen.

Also by Jess: Authentic Vegan Pad Thai

7 Steps for a New Year of Self-Discovery

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Photo: Zhana Zdepski

Jess is a traveling teacher and wellness coach with a wanderlust soul. She has a passion for uplifting others and helping others realize their full potential. Jess enjoys going to different parts of the world to learn about wellness and discovering new ways to connect the mind, body, and spirit. Follow Jess on Instagram @thewellnesswanderess.


always stay inspired!
