6 Lessons I've Learned By My Late 30s

July 20, 2016

6 Lessons I Learned By My Late 30sToday–Wednesday, July 20th–is my 38th birthday. Just saying that out loud is a little shocking. How did this happen and why did it have to go so fast?

Well, I shall impart onto you my vast knowledge and wisdom of what 38 years has done for me.

1. Smile, you are far too beautiful not to.  Twenty years ago, I was an insecure 17-year-old that wouldn’t smile. I was afraid that if I were kind, I would get hurt. I was filled with fear and it stopped the world from seeing my beautiful smile. The most beautiful people I have met in my 38 years are the ones that smile. Whatever your size, race, or religion, do me this favor. . . Smile, it looks so good on you.

2. Be Grateful, it can all change in an instant. As you can imagine, in 38 years I have felt my share of disappointment and sadness. The things that really get you are the times you weren’t prepared for. So I say it again, be grateful. Tomorrow won’t be like today, good or bad.

3. Laugh and do it loudly. It is good for you and who cares what anyone thinks. When I was younger, people used to tell me I was too loud. I laughed too loud, I talked too loud, etc. It turns out, it’s due to some kind of inner ear thing that I honestly can’t hear how loud I am. With that being said, laugh out loud! In a moment of laughter, the kind that almost hurts, you can elevate yourself to a place of peace. Do it!

4. Take that chance. You won’t regret something you did, you will regret something you didn’t do. Now, don’t get me wrong, I do have plenty of things I wish I never did, but the things you will think about most are the things you didn’t do. The chance I didn’t take in London in 1998, the trip I postponed in 2000, the dreams I never went for. . . yep, those all affect you more than the things you actually did.

5. Live in Peace. There is nothing worse than living in a state of chaos. I did it for years. I was always stressed out, fighting some unseen demon and it was no way to live this precious life we all have. In order to live in peace, you have to remove all the toxins from you life. This true for food, your environment, and lifestyle, but it also about people. Sometimes, as soon as you remove that one “friend” from your life, you have abundant peace. 38 years went by way too fast to live in anything but peace.

6. Live with Hope. Without hope we are nothing. In all these years I have suffered devastating losses, trials that tested my very core and times I thought I wouldn’t make it, but I always held on to hope that tomorrow would bring another day and that day the tides might turn. And, they did. I got through each of those times and stand where I am now. I still live with hope and that hope is carried though with love. Love for my family, my friends and my fellow human beings, because we are all in this together.

Today, on the eve of my birthday, I wish you all enough love to fill your heart and your neighbors. I wish you enough rain to make your sunny days look so much brighter and I wish you an undying quest for your truth that will allow you to live the rest of your days in peace and harmony.

What are some lessons you’ve learned in your thirties? 

Also by Ange: The Life-Changing Magic of Being Uncomfortable

Related: 20 Things I Wish I knew in My Early 20s

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Photo: Roman Drits via Barn Images

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Peaceful Dumpling is used for articles written by staff writers and freelance contributors who wish to remain unidentified.


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