Natural Beauty: Must-Have Vegan Face Oils

September 20, 2016

Natural Beauty: Must-Have Vegan Face Oils

My love for vegan face oils runs deep.

I’m not sure if I believe in soulmates, but I do believe that there’s a face oil for everyone. This belief stems, in part, from my experience having various skin types/concerns in the course of five years. Throughout my twenties, my skin has been…

oily, highly acne prone (thanks to those lovable hormones)

dry as a dessert (thanks to some intense acne medicine)

combination, somewhat oily, somewhat acne prone (while in the process of honing my skincare and supplements routine)

combination, slightly dry, less acne prone (after finally reaching my happy place in skincare)

Also, somewhere in there, I moved from the west coast of Oregon (with a climate ranging from cool/damp to dry/warm—really not bad combinations as far as skin is concerned) to the Gulf coast of Texas (with a climate ranging from aggressively humid/hot to aggressively windy … so much atmospheric aggression). This move had a bit of influence on how I cared for my skin (and applied my makeup!). 

All along the way, I’ve turned to various face oils to comfort my skin. In fact, many of my favorite oils have so many uses and benefits that I’ve used them across these shifts in my complexion.  Those are the ones I’m celebrating with this post.

Natural & Vegan Face Oils to Stock in Your Skincare Arsenal

With each of the following oils, look for organic and sustainably harvested varieties packaged in dark or opaque glass (good for shelf life). Always try a test patch on skin to make sure there’s no potential for an allergic reaction.

Argan Oil

Natural Beauty: Must-Have Vegan Face Oils

Argan oil is a wonderful staple for any complexion—even acne prone skin types. In fact, argan oil is notable for its ability to help regulate oil (sebum) production, leaving you with a more balanced complexion over time. (And don’t worry, it’s non-comedogenic, so it won’t clog pores.) In my experience, argan oil has helped post-acne marks heal faster and look less inflamed along the way.

Argan oil feels like a “medium weight” oil, denser than coconut oil and lighter than sesame or olive oil. This quality makes it a nice choice for those with dry skin who don’t want to feel too greasy. Also, it’s rich in vitamin E—a key nutrient for supple, well-moisturized skin.

I use argan oil independently as an oil cleanser, and I also use it in DIY oil-based serums.  My favorite argan oil is Josie Maran Argan Oil, but there are several high-quality options out there thanks to argan oil’s well-deserved”it” status. 

Rosehip Oil

Natural Beauty: Must-Have Vegan Face Oils

Rosehip oil is high in vitamin A, which helps increase skin turnover (i.e. anti-aging). It also contains vitamins C, D, and E. Perhaps most interestingly, rosehip oil contains  “vitamin F,” also known as an essential fatty acid (EFA). When it is absorbed by the skin, this fatty acid is converted to prostaglandins (PGE), which assist in cellular and tissue regeneration.

This special oil is bright yellow, and it’s pungent smell is a bit of an acquired taste (I’ve come to love it). If you can get use to the smell, rosehip seed oil can help fade dark spots (hyperpigmentation), reduce scarring and fine lines, and, like all oils, moisturize dry skin.

I have almost always used rosehip seed oil in pre-made, oil-based serums (like in HANA Organic Skincare Oil), but you can use it on its own, too. Just make sure it’s packaged in a dark glass bottle since rosehip oil is especially prone to losing its effectivness when left exposed to light. 

Plant-Based Squalene

Natural Beauty: Must-Have Vegan Face Oils

Okay, so I’m cheating a bit here because vegan squalene is a newer discovery for me—but I wished I’d known about it for longer. Squalene (extracted from olives, rice bran, or amaranth—not sharks!) is lovable for its ability to help protect skin from sun damage (making it a great oil if you are a morning facial oil user).

It’s also associated with damage reversal, which is actually pretty rare for a skincare ingredient (most of the good stuff does more work on the protection end of the spectrum). I discuss squalene in depth here.

While vegan squalene is available for purchase, you may have an easier time getting your squalene in an oil blend like The Hero Oil by Poetic Blend or Modicum Skincare Essential Serumwhich has all three of my beloved oils! (Insert “praise hands” emoji here.)

Obviously, I’ve left many skin-loving oils off of this list! There are so many. Please let us know in the comments which vegan face oils are your favorites 🙂

Related: Skincare for Changing Seasons

5 Best Fall Skin Savers

Fading Hyperpigmentation

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Photos: Pixabay, Respective Brands

Peaceful Dumpling Beauty Editor and creator of Bisou du Jour, Mary Hood Luttrell lives with her husband in Corpus Christi, Texas. Mary is a freelance writer and writing and blogging consultant. A lover of whole foods, Mary delights in learning new ways to prepare vegan dishes. Mary also enjoys reading and writing poetry, art journaling, running, and practicing yoga and ballet. Follow Mary on her blog Bisou du Jour, Instagram and Pinterest.


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