Vegan Roasted Eggplant Fan With Cherry Tomatoes & Olives

February 11, 2019
Lately the winter blues hit me and I felt very uninspired in every area of my life. I am so lucky that I have the most wonderful boyfriend I could imagine. he always has my back. This time, too he was the one who brought me back from my lethargy. He asked me, if I am unhappy with what is now, what is that made happy in the past? He said I should care more about those things and not the ones that make unhappy. So I thought about it, and we had a little nostalgic evening, talking about childhood, old loves and long forgotten hobbies. Just then I remembered how much I loved our family gatherings and when my granny cooked for me. I remember when I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance and casein (dairy protein) allergy, she didn't know what will I eat? So she made me this aubergine fan and I decided to share it with you, in hopes that this recipe will turn your dinner or lunch into a lovely memory.

Vegan Roasted Eggplant Fan With Cherry Tomatoes & Olives

utensils YIELDS 2 servings
herb graphic for recipe card
  • 1 big aubergine
  • 8-10 pieces cherry tomatoes
  • 2 tbs garlic infused olive oil
  • 10-15 pieces black olives
  • as much as you like ;) vegan cheese, shredded
  • salt, pepper, basil to taste
        graphic for recipe card


1. Cut the aubergine lengthwise (about 0.5 cm thick), but leave the slices attached to the stem. Rub the inside of the aubergine slices with salt. Then grease out a cookie sheet with one tablespoon of oil, then brush the infused oil in the aubergine as well and lay it on the cookie cheet. If you want a less oily version then just use a parchment paper under your aubergine. 2. Slice up the cherry tomatoes and insert them between the aubergine slices, fill out the little holes with olives. Sprinkle the pepper and basil all over the veggies. 3. Bake it in a preheated oven at 180 Celsius degrees for about 20 minutes, then take the cookie sheet out and sprinkle the grated vegan cheese on top (I used cheddar flavor but mozzarella is delicious, too!) and palce it back for an additional 10 minutes. You can serve it with brown rice (best is the brown rice + wild rice mix), but I really love it with oven baked or steak potatoes and fresh pickles, too.
Also by Imola: Vegan Leksó (Hungarian Ratatouille)
Classic Vegan Mushroom Stew (Serve Over Pasta, Gnocchi!)
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__ Photo: Imola Toth

Imola is a Hatha and Ashtanga yoga teacher, tree planter and writer and editor of Raised by the Wolf, an online magazine for Wild Women, with a passion for exploring and life outdoors. Originally from Hungary but currently planting trees and rewilding the enchanting forests of France. Hop over to RBTW magazine, and blog and follow her on Instagram @yogiraisedbythewolf


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