Picnic-Ready Vegan Strawberry Cream Cheese Pinwheels

March 17, 2021
Spring will officially be here this weekend and I am already looking forward to the perfect picnic weather that is to follow. One of my favorite finger foods to bring along with me on my outdoor adventures are pinwheels. They are packed with veggies to keep you full, easy to transport, and simple to put together. They can be made with virtually any filling that you like but I chose to stuff mine with a refreshing strawberry and spinach salad.

Pinwheels are generally made with a cream cheese spread on the wrap to hold it together when you roll it. This happens to be the perfect flavor to combine with strawberries, as many desserts often use these flavors together. There are finally a bunch of different vegan cream cheese brands accessible in everyday grocery stores, so this should be an easy find. Make sure to spread only a thin layer of toppings on your wrap to ensure you will be able to roll it.
strawberry pinwheels on a white plate against a dark background

Picnic-Ready Vegan Strawberry Cream Cheese Pinwheels

Recipe Type: Sandwiches
utensils YIELDS 24 pinwheels
herb graphic for recipe card
  • 3/4 cup vegan cream cheese
  • 2 tbsp balsamic dressing
  • 3 flour burrito wraps
  • 2 1/2 cups fresh spinich
  • 1 cup sliced cucumbers
  • 1/2 cup red onions, diced
  • 1 cup sliced strawberries
  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds
        graphic for recipe card


1. In a small mixing bowl, cream together the cream cheese and balsamic dressing until soft and spreadable.

2. Spread a thin layer of the cream cheese mix onto each burrito wrap.

3. Dividing the toppings between each wrap, evenly layer the veggies, strawberries, and almonds over the cream cheese.

4. Roll each wrap tightly and slice them each into 8 equal sections. Serve or store in an airtight container. 

Also by Lauren: Vegan Pound Cake With Strawberry Rhubarb Compote

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Photo: Lauren Sacerdote

Lauren is a homebody who likes to spend time with her cat, explore new ideas in the kitchen, relax in the sun with a good book, and promote healthy living to friends and family.


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